DMCC Christmas Grand Prix 2024.....
THE most important event on the RC Racing calendar is back for 2024!
It will be held on Saturday 28th December, similar to last year as a fund raiser to help the club.
Click here to Enter and pay your entry fee.
We are giving you all plenty of notice to come up with excuses as to why you are dissapearing for the day. The sooner you enter, the sooner we can plan an alternative race format.
Things you need to know....
- Date: Saturday 28th December
- Time: Doors open 9am , Drivers briefing 9:30, first race 10am
- Location: DMCC Track, Naul, Co Dublin. (obvs!)
This is a pre-entered/prepaid event, click here to enter.
- Control Tyre: Hot Race Buggy Foams on all wheels. No additives, No tyre truers (not that you need them).
- Entry will be closed on 27th December at 6pm
Race Fees
- Monthly fee payers: €15
- Everyone Else: €20
- Under 18s: €10
- Second class:€10
If you dont race with us often and need tyres for the event, select what you need on the entry form and we will pass your details to MSD models.
We are offering "tyre rental" if you dont visit us much, where you can rent a set of tyres premounted for €22
While this might sound a bit mad, the Hot Race Buggy Foams really do last that long, and really are that consistent.
Again, if you want to avail of this option, select it on the entry form.
If you need premounted tyres, we suggest you enter asap to ensure MSD have time to get them ready for you!!
Most importantly
This is always a good fun event... and BRING CHOCLATE!!!!!! (not for you... for the committee.....)